Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nap time

This it the cutest thing! We took a road trip today to Tincup, Idaho outside of Thayne, WY to vistit my dad. It was fun and a lot of work with a small puppy! The boys loved it because they could play outside in the dirt without getting in trouble. The yellow jackets and hornets were very bad up there and Trevor got stung right on the nose! Adam and his girlfriend Sunnie were there with her three girls and one of them got stung right on the lip! Ouch! We had a lot of fun and it is beautiful with the leaves turning colors now. Later, Amy


Micah and Jen said...

those pictures are soooo sweet! See, isn't the puppy so worth it already????

Liza said...

Those photos are so stinking cute Amy! Looks like they're good buddies already!
