Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Do you remember when.....

I remember spending hours outside in the snow as a little girl just running and playing, but I do not spend time outside now. I hate the cold and the snow is everywhere in my house melting on my floors and getting my socks wet! Lol! After we got some Christmas decorations up my kiddos got dressed up warm and the puppy and them headed outside for some fun. As you can see there was no shortage of fun even though Trevor didnt like his new "tow truck" pants (like Dad's) to get dirty with the snow. It was great to see them out and about having fun like I remember having as a kid. Later, Amy

1 comment:

Micah and Jen said...

yep, I remember. But now it's too cold to even take the kids too school! I make Micah do it! :)
