Monday, July 12, 2010

A healthier way

Ok so I am trying to be a littler healthier and get Eric and I up and moving a bit more this summer; so we got our bikes out of the shed, bought new tires and dug out Trevor's bike trailer. It has definitely been an experience and a wake up call for me. The first time a pull Trevor behind me he yelled the whole time" faster, faster!" I wanted to have him pull me around for a bit! LOL! The trailer is very light weight and I don't really notice it behind me but Trevor is 45 pounds of extra weight and I am not in the best of shape. We rode our bikes down to Smith's food store to pick up a few (very few, lol) groceries; not as few as I had hoped since there is a space behind Trevor (a trunk you might say) that will hold at least 10 pounds of pork chops and 4 boxes of pudding.......well you get the idea. I thought I was going to die! I get half way down our street and half to stop and rest (this was on the way back home, you have to go both ways on the bike, sometimes it would not be so bad if it was only one direction! LOL) and I look back there is little Trevor asleep! Can you imagine!? He was working so hard he was actually napping; I guess there is a bonus because he didn't yell at me to "go faster, go faster!". I don't know that I love bicycling but it is great exercise and Eric loves it; he would live on that bike! Later, Amy

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