Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunny days!

Hi everyone! I'm glad to see someone reading my blog that i emailed! Travis went with some of my cousins after our picnic today and took Eric so it is just Trevor and me hanging with my mom Margaret. It is a typical Sunday for us! We have a new family photo taken by mom and like usual Lacey is at work! She works more than I do. Lol! I'm not lying she really does! Oh, what it was like to be that young and do school full time and then go to work; no thanks! Anyway we are enjoying extremly warm weather for this time of year and had lots of fun today. Enough for now, later, Amy

1 comment:

Micah and Jen said...

Cameren is pretty excited to see Eric on your blog and now wants to have a playdate! Yay for 2 days of posting in a are SOOOO getting addicted! :)
