Sunday, August 23, 2009

Posting pic finally

Hi, I am finally getting some pics up from the Brownlee family Reunion the first weekend in August and the next week in August we went to Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City, Utah while we were down there. It's not a lot of pics but I am still trying to get all caught up on everything. Later, Amy

Friday, August 21, 2009

quick update

Ok so I am skipping work to even have time to post this but just a quick update, not a lot of new news though. Larry is doing much better but still having some issues. Larry is off the ventilator now but still not on solid food (not even liquids) he is on a feeding tube still and has some sores in his throat from the tube. He is not happy about not being able to eat and when we visited on Sunday was sad the kids couldnt go see him also, he even asked about little Trevor. He was talking about 8 foot watermelons and fish legs; so the sooner he can get on some foods the better. Lol! He has not had any complications from all the surgeries in the tummy areas so that is great that no infection has gotten in there. Juanita said it will be another 2 or 3 weeks before they will talk about letting him come home from Salt Lake City but we are just happy to see him up and about. We appreciate all the help from Juanita's family and especially her sisters staying with her and helping us have some more peace of mind about her being so far away from us; and for their families making sacrifices so they can be away from home. Later, Amy

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

all is well

Ok, I am still alive! Lol! I am super busy, we had the family reunion on the Brownlee side and then Larry, Travis' step-dad had surgery on Tuesday and was taken by life flight to Salt Lake City (that was a week ago) So as you can imagine we have not been home much and still are trying to work. We drove to Salt Lake City last Tuesday and waited hours for him to get out of surgery, he made it thru some how. We all had to work the next day so we drove home very late Wednesday morning. He went back into surgery Friday and surprised even the doctors with his fighting strength and they said he was holding his own. Juanita's sisters were able to stay with her from Tuesday thru yesterday. We went back down and stayed Saturday and Sunday in Salt Lake with the kids and took them to Hogle Zoo since a hospital is a hard place to hang out in for two little ones. We drove back Sunday night and I worked half a day yesterday but I couldnt stand Juanita being up there alone on Monday when he had another surgery so my Mom drove me back down yesterday afternoon and I stayed the night there with Juanita. Larry did well in the surgery yesterday, they closed the muscle to his stomach back up but not the skin yet as they are worried about infection. He is still on a ventalator tube and Juanita came home with me today to take care of some bills and paper work at her job then she will go back to Salt Lake City tomarrow afternoon and stay there probably until they release Larry. We hope to have him out of ICU within four or five days but he is not out of the woods so we are not sure when they will even remove the breathing tube yet. Just an update for everyone and an fyi that I will post as much as possible but probably be in SLC this weekend. Later, Amy
